Nicholas Paine is the co-founder and CTO of Apptronik. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. His graduate work focused on the development of the UT Series Elastic Actuator, a compact high performance actuator for robotics. He was a member of the NASA-JSC DARPA Robotics Challenge team where he helped design SEAs and developed actuator-level controllers for the Valkyrie robot. He worked for one year as a post-doctoral researcher at UT Austin, investigating forced-convective cooling of electric motors and embedded system design. Since Apptronik’s founding in 2016, he has worked to direct and coordinate both technical and business strategy and execution. He has helped to lead numerous system design efforts ranging from dynamic balancing humanoids, to force-augmentative exoskeletons and novel robotic manipulators.